
Post-Soviet Russian Society

10 Credits
First Cycle
School of Language, Literatures and Learning
Subject field
Russian (RYA)
Group of Subjects
Disciplinary Domain
Humanities, 100%
This course can be included in the following main field(s) of study
Progression indicator within (each) main field of study
Approved, 11 March 2019.
This syllabus is valid from 11 March 2019.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, students shall be able to:

  • demonstrate basic knowledge of post-Soviet Russian history and social structure
  • give an account of significant political and economic changes in Russian society from 1991 to the present
  • explain significant phenomena in contemporary Russian society, such as censorship, the structure of the media and political structures
  • demonstrate basic knowledge of the social structure of contemporary Russian society
  • discuss notions of Russian identity.

Course Content

The course provides an introduction to Russian society with a focus on the post-Soviet period. During the course, representative political, economic and social phenomena are studied from a contemporary historical perspective. The course also includes an overview of Russian media and Russias political structures.


Students are examined continuously through the assessment of active participation in seminars as well as through a final paper.

Forms of Study

Instruction takes place in the form of obligatory seminars. English is used as the language of instruction.


The Swedish grades U–VG.

To receive the grade of VG for the whole course, VG is required on module 1.

Reporting of grades:
Module 1: Active participation in seminars - 7.5 cr
Module 2: Paper - 2.5 cr


  • General entry requirements. Exemption from Swedish can be given.

Other Information

Replaces RY1016.