Invoices to the University must be digital and they must be submitted in a specific system. A 2019 law states that Dalarna University cannot accept paper invoices.
In March 2021, new regulations about the electronic information exchange of government organisations meant the University could no longer accept e-invoices in SVE-invoice format from its suppliers. That said, if you have an agreement that predates 1 March 2021 that allows for SVE-invoices then you can continue to use the SVE-invoice format.
A PDF invoice is not considered an electronic invoice.
Supplier Invoices - Standard Information/Requirements
These are the requirements for supplier invoices:
- objektnummer and reference (contact name)
- conditions of payment: 30 days
- the invoice must be digital and must be submitted in the specific system
- suppliers outside Sweden must use the university tax registration number (momsregistreringsnummer): SE202100290801
To invoice Dalarna University, you need to use:
- the PEPPOL format
- our invoice portal (fakturaportal) (
Detailed Information about E-Invoicing Dalarna University (pdf)
All supplier invoices must show the name of the university contact and an objektnummer.
- PEPPOL Format: 0007:2021002908
- E-Invoice Format: SFTI Svefaktura
- Our Number (Identity) (GLN): 7300009068289
- Organisationsnummer: 202100-2908
- Bankgiro: 5050-2665
- IBAN: SE 6612000000012810117632
- Momsregisteringsnummer (tax registration number): SE202100290801
Procurement (Tenders)
Each year, Dalarna University handles many matters relating to procurement. It is the value of a procurement that determines which process is used. Major tenders are advertised in our procurement system. In the case of procurements that fall below the level for direct procurement, we still aim for competition and therefore ask multiple suppliers to submit bids.
You are welcome to contact us with questions.
Dalarna University's Public Procurements (E-avrop)
Submit a Tender
Dalarna University is a public authority and, in compliance with the law, seeks to ensure that the procurement of products and services is open to competition.
We must follow the Public Procurement Act (LOU). This is based on the EU procurement directive, which is important in the work to promote the mobility of products and services within the EU and an efficient market. By following Swedish procurement regulations, the University follows the obligations of EU law.
We work with Uppsala University in the area of procurement. A number of our current contracts were procured by Uppsala University. On occasion, we procure contracts with other organisations.
The Procurement Process
- Need:
There is a need for a product or service at the University. If a valid agreement exists, a call-out is made. If no valid agreement exists, a tender is put out where the need is defined. - Tender Documentation:
The documentation must describe what is being put to tender, what is required of the tenderer, and how each tender will be evaluated. There may be several documents: for example, regulations, specifications, an example contract, and standard directives. - Advertisement:
Tenders are advertised in a publicly accessible database, E-avrop, and on the university website. Direct procurements do not need to be advertised. - Submit Tender:
Suppliers submit their tenders, often through our procurement system. To be valid, a tender must be submitted by the set deadline. - Evaluation of Tender:
Tenders are evaluated according to criteria as described in the tender documentation. - Tenderers Informed:
Every tenderer receives information about who has been awarded the contract. The contract is signed no earlier than ten days after tenderers are informed about who has won the contract. - Signed Contract:
The successful tenderer signs the contract. - Follow-up:
The contract will be reviewed on a continuous basis while it remains valid.
Direct Procurement
We frequently procure directly and aim to ensure a competitive market. We want to make it possible for many suppliers to do business with the University. When there are many potential suppliers, products and services can be procured at competitive prices. This is why we aim to email a written notice of interest to at least three suitable suppliers in cases of direct procurement.
Bribes, Conflicts of Interest and Corruption
Dalarna University actively works to prevent all forms of bribery and corruption.
When we work with clients and suppliers, the University occasionally receives offers that aim to foster a more secure relationship: examples are meals and gifts or travel and tickets to events.
In Sweden, all of these, in certain situations, can be classed as bribes according to the law (Brottsbalken).
Anyone who accepts or requests a bribe can be found guilty of bribery and anyone who offers a bribe can be found guilty of corruption. The rules for bribery and corruption in brottsbalken pertain to all employees, regardless of position.
Read more about bribery and corruption on The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute website.
Information for Tenderers
We seek transparency in our discussions with our suppliers and tenderers. That said, there are many formal aspects to consider when you submit a tender to a public sector organisation such as Dalarna University.
The following may help you:
- Read the notice of tender well ahead of time and stay up-to-date with any changes and questions/answers.
- Let us know if the tender documents are incorrect or lack information: do this as soon as possible.
- Ask questions early in the process.
- Check all the important dates.
- If you need more time to submit your tender, request this well in advance (note, it may not always be possible).
- Complete your tender according to the instructions in the tender documentation.
- Attach the documents, certificates, and appendices stated in the tender.
- Make note of the requirements described in the tender documents and be sure you meet them, even if they do not seem relevant.
- An authorised person must sign the tender so that it is valid.
- Submit the tender according to the instructions.
- Submit your tender before the deadline. We will disregard tenders that are submitted after the deadline.