Research seminar

Co-producing knowledge with end users - strategies for researching with communities

The research group "Environment, Technology and Participation" has invited Dr Aaron Davies from the University of South Australia to present and discuss aound the subject: "Co-producing knowledge with end users - strategies for researching with communities".

Date: , kl 09:00 - 11:00
Location: Campus Falun
Locale: Jerusalem and via Zoom

This is how Dr Davis describes his areas of research:

Dr Aaron Davis is a visiting researcher from the University of South Australia  with a research focus on co-design processes. Aaron’s work sits at the intersection of design and health and well-being,  and he collaborates with national and international organisations including the World Health Organisation, the World Dental Federation, and the Dubai Future Foundation. Aaron has developed a number of novel frameworks that extend co-design practices, including using participant-centred planning processes to develop strategies for engaging people with physical and/or cognitive disability in research, and methods for evaluating processes alongside outcomes.

Participate via Zoom


More infromation about the research group "Environment, technology and Participation"


For more information, contact
Marie Elf
Professor Nursing
Lena Pettersson
Lecturer Nursing
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