Dalarna University Takes a Further Step Towards a More Equal Dalarna

As part of a ceremony, representatives from fifteen organisations signed a document to declare their dedication to a province that supports and promotes equality.
Dalarna University's Vice-Chancellor signing the agreement to promote equality in the province of Dalarna

"This is excellent. On the one hand we can meet to receive help from one another to see what is happening in the region as a whole. It also makes us sit up so that we don't content ourselves with how things are and instead really think hard about equality in all of our processes," states Martin Norsell, Vice-Chancellor at Dalarna University.

"We very much want to believe that we live in a country of equality. Yet statistics show that women in Sweden have a higher level of education than men do, yet they receive lower wages, have a lower income and with time a lower pension than men," writes Thomas Johansson, coordinator of equality issues at Länsstyrelsen in Dalarna in a press release.

The six following areas will now be prioritised within the province: equal culture and leisure time; equal education; equal health; equal integration; equal relations and violence prevention; and equal growth and expansion.

  • Almi
  • Företagarna
  • Dalaidrotten
  • Arbetsförmedlingen
  • Högskolan Dalarna
  • Försäkringskassan
  • Skatteverket
  • Domstolsverket
  • Åklagarmyndigheten
  • Arbetsmiljöverket
  • Migrationsverket
  • Skogsstyrelsen
  • Region Dalarna
  • Landstinget Dalarna
  • Polismyndigheten Region Bergslagen
  • Länsstyrelsen Dalarna
  • Kriminalvårdsmyndigheten
  • Dalarnas Bildningsförbund
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