Graduates Help Companies Streamline

An EU-funded project enables graduates to enter the workforce more quickly by giving them the chance to work for up to two years with a developmental project at a regional company. On September 18, the graduates themselves talked about their experiences at KTP Day.

The project runs under the name Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) and is a form of collaboration between Dalarna University and a number of small and medium-sized companies in the region. The new graduates receive a market-comparable wage, of which the company pays half and the rest is financed through EU funds, while the University provides qualified supervisors.

"In this way, we strengthen ties between the University and the world of business and industry. It's been hugely successful and a good way to meet the challenges that come with the provision of a skilled labour force in the region," explains Johan Kostela of Dalarna University.

Mid-Way Point

The project has now reached its mid-way point, a fact recognised by the so-called KTP Day at Campus Falun on September 18. Throughout the day, graduates and project leaders presented their work and the way it has been of benefit to the companies where their respective projects ran.

Nina Grimström and Ia Guttenkunst were two such project leaders. They worked for the same organisation although at different companies: Alu Partner AB and Edsbyporten AB in Edsbyn.

"We got to work with results-oriented objective management and developmental work at the strategic, tactical and operative levels," explains Ia Guttenkunst.

Beneficial Projects

The list of work responsibilities that the two project leaders presented was substantial and included fire protection, technical documentation, and process development.

The afternoon proceeded with presentations of other project leaders and the companies where they had been placed.

"I'm extremely happy to be able to present so many sterling projects that former students have been involved with and what they have achieved so far for companies within the region," summarised Per Edén,

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