Hundreds of Students Gather in Celebration

Some 500 students marked the end of their studies on Friday by celebrating together at the Leaving Ceremony 2019. They will now join the workforce as qualified professionals in such fields as education, sound and music production, and engineering.
Alina Johansson holding onto a bouquet of flowers, standing outside on a lawn with other ceremony attendees.

The graduating students have all taken programmes from one of the University's three schools: the School of Humanities and Media Studies; the School of Technology and Business Studies; and the School of Education, Health and Social Studies.

"It's not truly hit home yet, but at the same time, I've so longed for this day," says Alina Johansson, upon completion of her programme in Mechanical Engineering.

What happens now?

"I have a summer position, and then I'll return to Dalarna to complete my degree project."

Another student, Linnea Höglund, is cleary delighted to be celebrating the completion of her nursing programme.

"It feels incredible. I'm so ready to get out to work," she says. "On Monday, I start a new job in an emergency ward, where I'll be until September."

Linnea Höglund in folk costume standing outside Campus Falun

Linnea Höglund describes how her years at Dalarna University passed so quickly.

The Leaving Ceremony is an event held twice every year to mark the end of studies for programme students, and friends and family of students are invited to attend.

Heading the conference was University Dean Catharina Nyström Höög, who welcomed everyone in attendance. Students received certificates, and addressing the audience were Vice-Chancellor Martin Norsell and County Governor Ylva Thörn, as well as Tom Edoff, Chairperson of the Student Union, and former student Elin Hedman Eriksson. The ceremony was followed by a mingle on Campus Falun.

We would like to congratulate all of our students who marked the end of their studies this semester and we wish them all the very best of luck for the future.

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