
Accessibility is a matter of ensuring that everyone, including those with a disability, is able to study at, visit and work at Dalarna University. This does not only require that our premises be accessible; it also requires that our information, for example, be accessible.

Lack of accessibility is form of discrimination that is covered by the Discrimination Act. Working with accessibility means working to ensure reasonable measures are taken where accessibility is limited. What is reasonable needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Accessible Premises and Information

According to the government regulation (förordning 2001:526)​, government authorities have a special duty to work with accessibility. This regulation states that the University as an authority must work to ensure that our premises, activities and information are accessible to people with disabilities. This includes ensuring that university premises are readily accessible by wheelchair and that information can be made available in Braille.

Accessible Education

Dalarna University offers good access to study tools for all students: for example, the speech synthesis programmes Legimus and Ally. For those with a disability, additional support is available. 
For teaching staff, we offer regular workshops on the theme of accessible teaching (tillgänglig undervisning). As well, there are courses for employees (Swedish webpage) on the employee website. For more information, see the University’s educational resource on digital accessibility (Introduktion till digital tillgänglighet) (Swedish text) that has been developed in Learn. This training has been designed for use by everyone at the University but is aimed in particular at teaching staff. 

Digital Accessibility

The Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services (DOS-lagen) sets requirements for how we make information available in documents, on websites and in learning management systems (such as Learn). All employees need to understand what digital accessibility means and what we need to think about in our daily work. Read more about digital accessibility and what employees are required to know.

Last reviewed:
Lecturer Work Science
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