GEP - Gender Equality Plan

A university must have a gender equality plan (GEP) before it can apply for and receive grants through Horizon Europe. This webpage summarises the commitments and activities that form Dalarna University’s GEP as well as activities that are included in its gender equality work.

Gender Mainstreaming

Gender equality work at Dalarna University is conducted in accordance with its Gender Mainstreaming Plan 2022-2026, which clarifies the objectives and specific focus areas that have been determined by university management. These are as follows:

  1. Knowledge About Gender Equality Mainstreaming
  2. Gender Equal Career Opportunities
  3. Gender Equal Study and Work Environment
  4. Gender Equality in Education

The plan also clarifies the following:

  • A description of how Dalarna University views the issue of gender equality
  • A description and prioritisation of areas identified as particularly relevant for Dalarna University
  • National legislation and other governance that affect the work
  • Other local policy documents of relevance

Gender Mainstreaming Plan 2022-2026 (PDF) 

Sustainable Development Goals

The continuous work with equal opportunities is considered part of the University's sustainable development work. The overall goal for gender equality and equal opportunity is formulated in the document titled "Goals for Sustainable Development 2021-2026" (Goal 5 Gender Equality and Equal Opportunity):

DU must be an equal, inclusive, accessible and responsible university, where everyone has the same opportunity to have power and influence. DU must ensure an environment free from discrimination against individuals or activities, and we must offer support and provide what is needed for students to succeed in their studies.

Goals for Sustainable Development 2021-2026 (PDF) 

Follow-up and Results

  • Activities are planned and followed up within the framework of regular operational planning.
    Högskolans verksamhetscykel  

  • Each year, completed activities are reviewed by the Sustainable Development Council. The Council also provides support and guidance on how the work can be realised throughout the University (in both support services and the university schools). This includes an annual follow-up of indicators that aim to measure goal achievement.
    Goals Sustainable Development

  • The Council's work group for gender equality and equal opportunity works on behalf of the Council to facilitate activities.

  • The gender mainstreaming assignment and gender-disaggregated statistics are reported in the annual report (årsredovisning).
    Planering och uppföljning (årsredovisning) 

Examples of Completed Activities


  • The course Kompetensförsörjning och rekrytering (Skills Supply and Recruitment) was developed to include the issue of bias in assessment. The target group was expanded to include line managers, deputy heads of school, and members of the Committee for Academic Appointments (AFU): this was considered an important step in reducing the risk of systematic disadvantage in decisions on employment and promotion.
  • A new training module, Hållbarhets- och jämställdhetsarbete (Sustainability and Gender Equality Work), was introduced: it is a recurring component of skills development training.
  • A new gender mainstreaming plan with directions for ongoing work was completed in accordance with the appropriation directions of the Government.
  • An analysis (based on views from the Diskrimineringsombudsmannen/ Equality Ombudsman) of the process for investigating, analysing, addressing and following up the risk of discrimination against students was conducted. This resulted in the introduction of a round of inspection of the physical study environment, and surveys are now used as a method of investigation.


  • All university managerial staff received Sustainability and Gender Equality Work training.
  • Information webpages that describe and systematise our work for gender equality and equal opportunities were made available both internally and externally and were included as mandatory in the introduction for new employees.
  • A focus on gender equality education includes the ongoing work that the Academic Resource Centre does to promote broadened participation. Over the year, the so-called EWS (early warning system) was implemented.
  • The University's career path, as well as the assessment criteria for advancement, was clarified in a revision of the appointment procedures. In the standard principles for recruitment and promotion, gender equality and equal opportunities are identified specifically.


  • Developed description of the career path was made available for candidates and employees. 
  • Endorsement of the regional strategy "Ett Jämställt Dalarna" develops opportunities for external collaboration regarding gender equality. 
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