Goals for Sustainable Development
The document titled "Goals and Activities for Sustainable Development at Dalarna University" aims to specify what the University should achieve during the period 2021-2026 as a way to promote sustainable development in its activities. The goals address these areas: international cooperation; gender equality and inclusion; the environment and climate. They aim is that they address the provisions set out in chapter 1, section 5 of the Higher Education Act: "In the course of their operations, higher education institutions shall promote sustainable development to assure for present and future generations a sound and healthy environment, economic and social welfare, and justice."
Goals for Sustainable Development at Dalarna University 2021-2026 (pdf)
To assist in the work to achieve these goals, the Council for Sustainable Development at Dalarna University has produced a guide that provides suggestions for the measures that the five university schools and Central Administration can take in this area. This guide (vägledning - see below) is updated each year and is made available as plans are drawn up.
Vägledning för arbetet med hållbarhetsmålen (2024) (Swedish text)