Previous Year's Best Thesis Award Winners

Here you can read about the university's award winners for Best Thesis in Sustainable Development from 2018 to 2022.

2022: Andrea Čabajová och Jakub Košík 

Thesis: Consumer preferences for graphic, structural, and information elements on recycled paper-based package: Gender, age, and education differences (DiVA)

Andrea and Jakub are students in the Master’s Programme in Business Studies with an International Focus at Dalarna University. In their thesis, Andrea and Jakub examined the sustainable aesthetics of packaging material according to customer preferences in Slovakia, which is a low environmental-performance-index (EPI) country in the European Union.

– Society is currently facing many environmental problems, one of which is the issue of plastic packaging that is manufactured every day in massive amounts. Because of this, we wanted to come up with more creative ideas about how to package products. Our focus was on recycled paper as this material does not burden nature in the same way that other more frequently used materials do. However, the problem with this material is that it is seldom visually appealing to consumers, which is why we wanted to make it attractive. Our results provide guidelines for making this material more appealing using graphic, structural and information elements.

How would you like to see the results of your thesis used in the future? Who do you think can benefit from the conclusions you arrived at?
– We truly hope that our thesis will bring about more discussion on the issue of plastics and that businesses will take steps to limit their usage. With our thesis, we want to address graphic designers, entrepreneurs as well as business leaders, and we aim to inspire firms to develop and use innovative and sustainable packaging that contributes to a sustainable future.

How will you use the scholarship?
– We would like to use the scholarship to attend an environmental conference related to sustainable packaging and its future so that we can acquire more information and knowledge in this area. We also believe this to be an opportunity that can help us meet new people who have the same interests and who want to contribute to a better future just as we do.

Deciding on the winning entry was a jury made up of members from Dalarna University’s Sustainable Development Council. The reason for their decision was based on the following:

"Andrea Čabajová and Jakub Košík’s thesis studies the sustainable aesthetics of packaging material according to customer preferences in Slovakia, which is a low environmental-performance-index (EPI) country in the European Union. Along with the unique knowledge contribution to research on sustainable development, their results have the potential to positively influence businesses transitioning to a more sustainable product and, in a secondary sense, within a sustainable supply chain. The research also offers several benefits to society, but perhaps the major benefits are in the contribution of the study to attractiveness in relation to recycled-product packaging and the provision of accurate and appealing sustainability information to the consumer."

2020: Anastasiia An

Thesis: Early Design Stage Energy Optimization of Bysjöstrand Ecovillage, Sweden (DiVA)

A graduate of Dalarna University’s Master’s Programme in Energy Efficient Built Environment, Anastasiia based her thesis on her research on how energy performance can be improved in a newly designed residential area. The focus of her study was the village of Bysjöstrand, a so-called EcoVillage, which is under construction just south of the town of Grangärde, not far from Ludvika.

Her thesis describes the combination of various types of analysis and technology to achieve the lowest possible energy demand. The buildings’ siting, their orientation, their window-to-wall ratios and the buildings' insulation thickness were among some of the factors she considered, as well as the solar energy potential of each building. Overall, the study shows that the total annual energy consumption in the EcoVillage can be reduced by as much as 50 percent.

– I believe that decisions made at the early stage of building or settlement design can greatly influence the energy performance of the built environment. Moreover, the benefits of reducing the energy consumption can be maximised by using renewable energy sources, explains Anastasiia. She adds that the proposed methods for energy optimisation are supported by economic calculations that show investment in such methods to be cost-effective.

How would you like to see the results of your thesis used in the future? Who do you think can make use of the conclusions you arrived at?
– I consider my study to be useful for anyone interested in sustainable development and involved in the energy performance optimisation of buildings. With my thesis work, I want to contribute to the high sustainability ambitions of architects and engineers, so they can integrate energy assessment and building optimisation activities into the planning process at the early design stages. According to the results of my work, I believe that the strategic decisions combined with energy-efficient design and onsite renewable energy production are the most widely recognised ways in which a building or a neighbourhood design can contribute to a more sustainable community with a smaller carbon footprint, states Anastasiia.

Deciding on the winning entry was a jury made up of three members from Dalarna University’s Council for Sustainable Development. They motivated their decision as follows:

"Energy is incredibly central to a transition to sustainability. In just a few decades, all of society needs to be fossil-free, and this can be achieved both through the supply of more renewable energy as well as through the smarter use of the energy that is supplied. Anastasiia An combines these two approaches when she addresses the possibility of trying to optimise energy performance in a residential area in the early planning phase. The combination of analyses that were conducted in the study shows great potential energy saving. Her approach is applicable in other construction contexts as well: therefore, its potential benefit for society is great. Anastasiia's work was carried out in a systematic fashion, and besides demonstrating academic preciseness, her thesis is pedagogical and as such comprehensible even to those who are not themselves in the construction or energy industry."

2019: Ilenia Tonetti

Thesis: Linguistic Trust-Building Strategies in Swiss Banks’ Public Discourse: A Diachronic Study of Annual Reports and Corporate Responsibility Reports from UBS and Credit Suisse (DiVA)

2018: Pavlina Arsova

Thesis: Alcohol Advertising: A Minor Field Study in Cape Town (DiVA)

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