There are a number of networks, centres and departments at Dalarna University that focus on collaboration with external parties. Unless otherwise indicated, the links below link to Swedish websites.
- ACcelerate Co-creation by setting up a Multi-actor PLatform for Impact from Social Sciences and Humanities - a project wtih EU funding, Horizon 2020
- Centre for Tourism and Leisure Research (CeTLeR): collaborative centre of excellence that works with regional businesses and the tourism industry to increase knowledge and understanding so as to meet industry needs while developing its potential (English website)
- Dala Sports Academy: an EU-funded project to enable knowledge transfer, testing and verification of products and services as well as business development to companies that work with sport and health
- Dalarna University Centre for African Studies (DUCAS): runs courses in African Studies and has academic partners in Italy and Finland (English website)
- Dalarna University Centre for Intercultural Research and Development (DUCID): a research centre that aims to promote collaboration and co-production between the University and municipalities, county councils, official bodies, civil society, and businesses (English website)
- Engineer Pool: collaboration between the University and businesses through business-based student assignments in the fields of structural engineering, energy engineering, machine and material technology, and industrial economics (English website)
- European Solar Engineering School (ESES): in operation since 1999, the school offers programmes (English website)
- Gymnasieforskarskolan: a collaborative project with upper secondary schools, the University and regional businesses
- Knowledge Implementation and Patient Safety (KIPS): a centre for implementation and patient safety research with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of effective translation of knowledge into practice
- Pedagogiskt utvecklingscentrum Dalarna (PUD): development of regional schools and education
- Skolnära:a research school that has focus on research that is conducted in close association with actual activities in schools
- Socialtjänstens utvecklingscentrum Dalarna (SUD): education, research and evidence-based development in the field of Social Services
- Teknikerjakten: a collaborative project for the development and education of pupils and teachers in the field of Technology and Science
- Teknikåttan: an annual competition for lower-secondary school pupils in the field of Technology and Science
Commissioned Education
The University can also offer customised education in collaboration with external public-sector and private-sector organisations: see our Commissioned Education webpage.