The aim of this project is to provide insight into and build on knowledge about central issues related to employment within the tourism industry, the findings of which will be of value to the various stakeholders within the industry. Taking a sustainable tourism and sustainable human resource theoretical approach, the research will use an adapted systematic literature review that incorporates qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings will be widely disseminated by way of an ongoing blog, a seminar series, online seminars, conference sessions, two journal papers (one of which will be Open Access) and a session at the 2018 Almedalsveckan.
The project is financed by Formas and will run for the course of 2018. Financing is in the sum of 980 000 sek.
Project Leader and Contact is Doctor Tara Duncan, Toursim Sciences (tdu@du.se).
Other Project Members are:
Associate Professor Jörgen Elbe, Business Studies
Professor Ing-Marie Andersson, Work Science