Diversity Work

Dalarna University embraces diversity in all areas of its everyday activities and work - be that in education, employment or research - and this fact is reflected in the heterogeneity of the students and workforce at the University.

Dalarna University's objective is to continue to be characterised by diversity at all levels as a means of developing relations and the quality of our education.

Our basic concept is to be an inspiring environment for meetings between academia and society, and to actively support people's learning no matter their background. We aim to pursue target-oriented work to promote students' equal rights regardless of, for example, gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, sexual orientation, age or disability.

The diverse student group at the University in terms of nationality results from the attractiveness of the courses and programmes we offer. A large number of the university’s students come from what statistics label "environments unaccustomed to studies". Such heterogeneity enriches the learning and teaching environment, and challenges us to work with diversity at the individual level when it comes to projects, quality and flexibility.

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