Organisation and Management

Dalarna University is a higher education institution that is regulated by government legislation. The Vice-Chancellor is the head of the university, and its highest decision-making body is the University Governing Board.

Laws and Ordinances

The way in which the university is managed and run is regulated by Sweden's Higher Education Act and Higher Education Ordinance. You can read about the laws and regulations for higher education in Sweden on the webpage of the Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet)

Policy Documents (webpage)

Government Responsibility

It is the Swedish government itself that has ultimate charge of and responsibility for Sweden's universities. Each year, Dalarna University reports its operations and activities to government by way of central documents, such as annual reports and budget reports.

The University Governing Board (Högskolestyrelsen)

The University Governing Board is in charge of operations at Dalarna University. Its members are appointed for a period of three years, except for the student representatives whose appointment is one year. Also on the board are representatives for teachers and students, as well as representatives from society at large.

Read more about the University Governing Board

Vice-Chancellor (Rektor) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Prorektor)

Presiding under the University Governing Board is the Vice-Chancellor. Next in line is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.

Read more about the Office of the Vice-Chancellor

University Faculty Board (Utbildnings- och forskningsnämnden - UFN)

The University Faculty Board is the highest standing collegial body at Dalarna University. The responsibility of this board lies in the area of quality within education and research. It also has decision-making powers related to governing documents.

Read more about the University Faculty Board

Doctoral Programmes Board (Forskarutbildningsnämnden - FUN)

This board looks at issues regarding postgraduate studies and the University's research. Dalarna University has doctoral degree-awarding powers in the fields of Microdata Analysis, Educational Work, and Health and Welfare with Specialisation in Evidence-Based Practice, and has doctoral students registered at other higher education institutions who are active within all the University's research. Questions concerning research programmes are dealt with principally by FUN, which answers to UFN and which is closely tied to the University's research.

Read more about the Doctoral Programmes Board

Research Ethics Council / (Forskningsetiska rådet - FER)

This committee ensures that thesis work at the first-cycle and second-cycle levels is carried out in an ethically acceptable manner. It examines applications regarding ethics and issues of ethical misconduct.

Read more about the Research Ethics Council

Other Boards and Committees

There are a number of other boards and committees in place at Dalarna University, each with its own particular area of responsibility:

  • Faculty Boards (Områdesnämnderna)
  • Student Disciplinary Board (Disciplinnämnden)
  • Staff Disciplinary Committee (Personalansvarsnämnden)
  • University Appointments Board (Anställningsförslagsutskottet - AFU)


In January 2021, Dalarna University was reorganised into five schools. It is within these that we conduct our research and deliver education in close collaboration with external business and industry, the public sector and society at large. In charge of each of the five schools is a Head of School.

Central Administration 

This office is in charge of administration and provides services to both staff and students.  

Read more about Central Administration

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