Central Administration

It is the role of those in the various offices that fall under Higher Education Administration to provide strategic and operative support within the fields of education and research at all levels and to all departments within the organisation.

This specific department is headed by the Head of Administration and comprises several offices that together provide administrative services for the university as a whole.


Katarina Johansson, University Director, Central Administration
Email: hogskoledirektor@du.se

The University Library

The library assists students and staff in their studies and research by providing excellent resources and access to academic and scientific literature and information. The library is headed by the Library Director.

Read more about The Library

Office of Student Services and Education Administration

This office provides support and service to students, employees and visitors in regards to issues such as admissions, registration and graduation.


Åsa Berglind, Director of Student Affairs
Email: asbe@du.se

Office of Management Support and Finance

This office works with the planning and management of the university budget, while also dealing with all questions related to revenue, expenses, invoicing and accounting. This office is responsible for the university’s general management system, which includes the operations cycle, quality systems, information management, and coordination of sustainability work so that management and the various university boards and councils can achieve set goals. Included in this work is responsibility for related policy documents, the provision of administrative support, and the planning, analysis and follow-up of university-wide matters.


Stina Eklund, Director
Email: csu@du.se

Office of Campus and Facilities Planning

This office ensures that the physical facilities of the university allow for cost-effective and functional activities. We provide services related to the organisation's cars, insurance, mail, deliveries, photocopying, janitorial work and security.


Mikael Wetterstrand, Property and Facilities Manager
Email: mwd@du.se

Office of IT and Digital Infrastructure

This office provides support and expertise in the area of IT to ensure the smooth running of IT facilities at the university for all who use them. It also works in the field of development and optimisation of IT services.


Magnus Höglund, IT Manager
Email: mho@du.se

Office of Marketing and Communication

This office works with both external and internal communication, as well as student recruitment, marketing, press information and research communication. It also works with both development and updating of the Swedish and English websites.


Erik Bäckvall, Director
Email: ebv@du.se

Office of Human Resources

This office works with all questions related to staff members, from professional development to recruitment. Its aim is to promote Dalarna University as an attractive workplace and to provide support and service to all staff members.


Anna-Karin Mässing, Director
Email: anms@du.se

Office of Education and Research Services

This office provides operational and strategic support for the University's research and its undergraduate, master’s and doctoral courses and programmes. It establishes what is required for courses and programmes to be relevant by way of continued social engagement and collaboration, while aiming to promote and facilitate lifelong learning. Included in its area of responsibility are support for the development of teaching and learning in higher education; development of both the learning environment and research infrastructure; and coordination of work relating to research data, internationalisation and external research funding.


Joacim Larsson von Garaguly, Director
Email: jlr@du.se

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