Commitment, Vision and Values

Our mission, our vision and our values form the foundation of our organisation.

Our Commitment

Is to co-produce self-formation, education and research in the local region of Dalarna and the world.

  • We will run our organisation by working closely with the world around us – both regional and global. Self-formation, education and research will develop in close symbiosis.

Our Vision is:
To create open pathways to knowledge for a good society

  • Working together with our students and partners, we will create pathways to new and existing knowledge that are open, accessible and inclusive.
  • The education we offer will increase the independence of students in both thought and action, and in their ability to take active responsibility for their futures as professionals and members of society; further, we will have a supportive role in people’s learning and in their lifelong process of self-formation.
  • Through our education and research, we will contribute to a good society – one that is founded on democratic principles and that is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable both for our own generation and for generations to come.

Our Values

Are openness, courage and responsibility.

  • We will be accessible and open in our views and actions both within the University and towards the world around us.
  • We will dare to try new ideas and to tackle complex issues.
  • We will serve as a critical and intellectual hub within society.

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