Accessibility on

Dalarna University has developed this website and wants as many visitors as possible to be able to use it.

Here we describe how meets the requirements of the Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services; what accessibility issues can arise; and how you can report these so that we can address them.

How accessible is the website?

For the most part, this website meets the requirements of the Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services (2018:1937).

What can you do if you are unable to use parts of the website?

If there is information on that you need but that is not accessible to you, please contact us at

Report Website Accessibility Issues

We are constantly working to improve the accessibility of our website. If you find issues with it or if you feel we do not meet the requirements of the Act, please let us know.


Regulatory Control

The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for regulating the Act. If you are not happy with the way we handle your opinions, you can contact the Agency for Digital Government to inform them.

Information about Website Accessibility

For the most part, this website meets the requirements of the Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services; however, some issues remain:

  • Some documents have an incorrect heading and table structure
  • Some documents do not have tags
  • In some cases, audio description or subtitles on a video are not an option
  • Some pictures do not have an (Alt-attribute)
  • Navigation requires an unnecessary number of steps using the keyboard
  • Map services

We work to resolve issues with accessibility on on an ongoing basis.

There are links on our website to several other systems. Not all of these are completely accessible: for example, Canvas (our learning platform), Ladok (registration and study results), Portal Bas (forms) and Time Edit (booking system).

Where possible, we work to comply with the Act in these other systems. In those cases where this is not possible, we will make accessibility a requirement when we move to (procure) a new system or when we perform substantial updates.

Our Website Tests

The most recent assessment was conducted on October 21, 2021.

The website was published in 2017.

This report was updated February 25, 2022.

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