The Research Centre for Public Health and Sports (RePS)

Our work and research at RePS relate to public health and diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and musculoskeletal disorders, as well as to the field of sport sciences.

Established in 2018, the Research Centre for Public Health and Sports (RePS) aims to promote research in the fields of public health and sport sciences, and to disseminate evidence-based knowledge. Research focuses on health promotion, prevention, and rehabilitation measures as a means to achieving good health among all segments of the population. A lifestyle that includes physical activity is directly linked to good health and physical ability, and is known today to help prevent a number of our most common diseases.

The work being conducted by the centre relates to many of our most common diseases: for example, musculoskeletal diseases and pain disorders. It also relates to physical activity in terms of physical education in schools, health-promoting physical activity, and elite sport. We study the complex relationships between good health/poor health and physical performance with the help of, for example, the Swedish Quality Registry for Pain rehabilitation, field observations, and modern labs. In our work, we implement a wide spectrum of scientific methods, including artificial intelligence.

Our work is done in collaboration with municipalities and county councils, the sport and leisure sector, businesses, and national and international research institutions. An important goal for 2018-2020 is to establish and build national and international networks. The overall aim is to generate and mediate knowledge and competence that are relevant to society so as to ensure improved health, improved performance ability, and improved well-being for everyone.

Research at RePS is cross-disciplinary and relates to the following fields of study:

  • Intervention studies that aim to develop and evaluate prevention, treatment strategies and physical performance
  • Prediction studies to identify "early markers" with the purpose of adapting rehabilitation according to the individual
  • Development of method with focus on the validation of treatment/instruments
  • Epidemiological studies with the purpose of identifying the risk factors for ill health
  • Systematic literature reviews so as to identify the level of knowledge on current social issues
  • Studies on education in the field of sport and health, both in primary and secondary schools as well as in higher education. Particular focus is given to issues related to teaching, movement culture, inclusion, and evaluation

RePS works in collaboration with a number of other research centres at Dalarna University, as well as a number of other universities. Our research projects demonstrate well-developed national and international collaboration with several research groups and research networks.

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