Quick Student Guide to the Library

Hello, Student! What does the library offer, and how can we make your study time smoother? Here we've gathered some useful information.

Where are we located?

The library is located on campus in both Falun and Borlänge, but most of our services and resources are accessible from wherever you are. 

Opening hours and how to contact us can be found here.

Feel free to use MazeMap to navigate the campus.

Key card and login are the keys to the library

When you are registered as a student in a course, it takes 24 hours before you can borrow and reserve books and access all our e-resources.

To borrow books, you use your key card. When you want to reserve a book or access our digital resources, log in with your student login.

You use your key card to enter our premises during the hours we have extended opening hours. During these hours, the library is open only to students and staff at the university. If you want to borrow books during extended opening hours, you need your card and the card's PIN code. Contact helpdesk on campus if you don't know your PIN code. 

Find and borrow books and other literature

You can find all our books and other resources in the large search box on our homepage. This search service is called Summon, and through it, you have access to a large amount of material, including books, dissertations, scholarly articles, student papers, reports, and more.

The library has at least two copies of all course books, either as physical books or e-books. The loan period is always at least 21 days, for both course books and other books. If you live outside of Falun and Borlänge municipalities, you can have books sent to you by mail.

You can read more about how loans, reservations, renewals, and returns work here.

Guide: Step-by-step on how to borrow or reserve a book.

We can also help you obtain material we do not have through interlibrary loans or article requests.

If you have a reading disability

As a student with a reading disability, you can borrow your course literature in formats such as audiobooks, Braille, or e-text. We will help you get started.

In the library premises on campus

The library has various types of study spaces for group studies and individual work, silent reading rooms, and bookable group rooms. We hope you'll soon find your favorite spot!

There are also printers, restrooms, and cafes in or close to the library in both Falun and Borlänge.

Practical things about the library on campus.

Guides and search support

Subject Guides. Our subject guides help you as a student find relevant resources to search in for your specific subject.

Guide for searching in scientific databases. This guide helps you get started with searching for articles in scientific databases. How do you think strategically and search so the database understands?

Library guidance. The library offers digital drop-ins and booked guidance sessions on topics related to information searching, references, and more.


You are always welcome to reach out to us with questions and concerns! During our staffed hours, we are available at the information points in the library, and it is also during these hours that we answer phone calls and emails.

Ask the library

All contact information

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Academic Resource Centre. For academic development and personal growth.

Services and Tools. More resources for students. 

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