Academic articles and reports
ERIC (The Education Resources Information Center) is the world's largest digital database of education literature
Journal articles on education. Focus on important international scientific journals.
Interdisciplinary database with references from scienctific journals, books, reports and conferences in various subjects. It also a database for citation searches.
Scopus is an interdisciplinary database with scientific literature in various subject areas. It also a database for citation searches.
Search service for the library's collected resources (articles and books).
Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care.
Sociological Abstracts, and its companion file Social Services Abstracts, cover the international literature of sociology, social work, and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Coverage: 1952 - current
Database for literature on linguistics and language-related disciplines.
A citation database with peer-review journals that is searchable in Summon. Includes some history. Use this database if you want to know who cites who.
Help with Assessing Journals with Scientific Articles
Norwegian List
Here, you can search for a journal, for example, and see if it is considered scientific. In the list, journals are ranked from 0 to 2, where 0 represents non-approved journals, and level 2 are the most prestigious publication channels. Level X is given to questionable publication channels.
Cabells Predatory Reports
Cabells Predatory Reports is a searchable list of so-called "predatory journals" that have been reported as unreliable.
Theses and degree projects
DiVA is Dalarna university research publication database. It contains research publications and thesis from university PhD students, researchers and students.
Diva portal is a searching tool and an open archive for research publications and thesis from 47 Swedish universities and institutions.
Academic publications at Swedish universities. Search among scholarly articles, conference papers and dissertations etc.
The Swedish national library catalog.
Swedish theses and essays in full text.
Google Scholar is Googles interface for scientific material. Here you can find articles, thesis and books from academic publisher and universities from all over the world. The Universities resources in fulltext from different vendors and subscribers are integrated in Google Scholar but you need to go through the library webpage.