Resources for finding books and articles
- DART-Europe
Find full-text dissertations from a number of universities in Europe.
- Education database
Full-text database for literature on education and teaching.
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is a database of education research and information.
Database containing information on doctoral theses from universities in the UK. You need to register on their website to access theses in full text. Please note that EThOS is currently unavailable due to a cyber attack on the British Library in 2023.
A collection of academic journals and books.
- Linguistics Collection
Database for finding literature in linguistics and language-related disciplines. The collection searches simultaneously in the databases Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts and Linguistics Database.
- MLA International Bibliography
Useful for finding research on literature and linguistics, among other things.
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (in Web of Science)
Contains information on dissertations and student theses from universities around the world. You can limit the search to "Doctoral" if you only want to find dissertations.
- Scopus
Scopus helps users find trusted research in different subjects.
- WorldCat
A catalogue providing information on titles held by more than 10,000 libraries worldwide. You can use Library of Congress Subject Headings to find subject terms to search on in WorldCat.
Resources for finding specific books and articles
- Google Scholar
Useful for finding specific journal articles, dissertations, and academic books in full text.
- Summon
Search service for searching in the university library's collection. Useful for finding specific ebooks, printed books, and journal articles in full text.
Resources for finding student theses
- DiVA
Find student theses submitted at several Swedish universities.
Find student theses in full text submitted at Swedish universities.
Encyclopedias and dictionaries
- Britannica Academic
Consists of Encyclopædia Britannica and Merriam-Webster (dictionary and thesaurus), among other things.
- NE:s ordböcker
Includes for example NE's Swedish-English/English-Swedish dictionary.
- Oxford English Dictionary
An unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and usage of more than 500,000 words and phrases from across the English-speaking world.
- Oxford Reference
The database offers a huge range of dictionaries and subject reference works, including Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language and The Oxford Companion to English Literature.
More dictionaries can be found on shelf Fe(x) at Dalarna University Library.
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