Subject guide: Social Sciences

Welcome to the library's subject guide for you who study the master programme Democracy, Citizenship and Change or related courses within the social sciences.

Academic Articles and Reports

  • This database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work and sociology
  • Search across a range of ProQuest’s specialist index and full-text social sciences databases, covering subject areas including Politics, Sociology, Education, Linguistics, and Criminal Justice
  • The Social Sciences Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the social sciences.
  • Anthropology, economics, political science and sociology - journal articles, books, reviews
  • Search in: - PAIS Index (1914 - current) - Policy File Index (1990 - current) - Political Science Database (1985 - current) - Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (1909 - current)
  • Sök samtidigt i följande databaser: - Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) (1987 - current) - Sociological Abstracts (1952 - current) - Sociology Database (1985 - current) - Social Services Abstracts (1979 - current)
  • Scopus is an interdisciplinary database with scientific literature in various subject areas. It also a database for citation searches.
  • Interdisciplinary database with references from scienctific journals, books, reports and conferences in various subjects. It also a database for citation searches.
  • Google Scholar is Googles interface for scientific material. Here you can find articles, thesis and books from academic publisher and universities from all over the world. The Universities resources in fulltext from different vendors and subscribers are integrated in Google Scholar but you need to go through the library webpage.

Theses and Degree Projects

European Union

  • The European Union
    The official European Union website. General information on legislation and work within the EU.
  • EUobserver
    EUobserver is a not-for-profit, independent online newspaper that aims to support European democracy by giving people the information they need.
  • Eur-Lex
    EUR-Lex is an online gateway to EU Law run by the Publications Office of the European Union. It provides the official and most comprehensive access to EU legal documents.
  • European Parliament
    The European Parliament is the EU's law-making body. It is directly elected by EU voters.
  • Council of the European Union
    In the Council of the EU, government ministers from each EU country meet to discuss, amend and adopt laws, and coordinate policies.
  • European Commission
    The European Commission is the EU's politically independent executive arm responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation.


  • SCB Statistics Sweden
    Official Statistics of Sweden. Statistics by subject area from Statistics Sweden and 27 other authorities.
  • Eurostat
    Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union with mission to provide high quality statistics and data on Europe.
  • UNdata
    UNdata is a web-based data service for the global user community. It brings international statistical databases within easy reach of users through a single-entry point.
  • Political Data Yearbook interactive
    Political Data Yearbook captures election results, national referenda, changes in government, and institutional reforms for a range of countries, within and beyond the EU.
  • The World Bank DataBank
    DataBank is an analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics. You can create your own queries; generate tables, charts, and maps.
  • ParlGov project
    ParlGov is a data infrastructure for political science and contains information for all EU and most OECD democracies (37 countries).
  • Statistics Explained
    Statistics Explained is an official Eurostat website presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way, completed by a statistical glossary clarifying all terms used.
  • Gapminder
    Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation that uses reliable data to develop easy to understand teaching materials to rid people of their misconceptions.


Democracy Indexes & Research programs

  • European Values Study
    The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research program on basic human values. It provides insights into the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values, and opinions of citizens all over Europe.
  • World Values Survey
    The World Values Survey (WVS) is an international research program devoted to the scientific and academic study of social, political, economic, religious and cultural values of people in the world.
  • UCDP Uppsala Conflict Data Program
    The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) is the world’s main provider of data on organized violence and the oldest ongoing data collection project for civil war.
  • EIU Democracy Index (2021)
    An index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), that attempts to measure the state of democracy in 167 countries and territories.
  • The Varieties of Democracy Research Project
    The Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Research Project at the V-Dem Institute at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg takes a comprehensive approach to understanding democratization.
  • ElectionGuide
    ElectionGuide is a comprehensive online source of verified election information provided by the international nonprofit International Foundation for Electoral Systems.
  • Transparency International
    An organization that map corruption in the World. The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranks 180 countries and territories around the world by their perceived levels of public sector corruption.
  • Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI)
    The UHRI allows you to explore over 170.000 observations and recommendations made by the international human rights protection system.
  • Human Development Reports
    Human Development Reports is an approach for advancing human wellbeing that has introduced the Human Development Index (HDI) as a measure of achievement in the basic dimensions of human development across countries.
  • Freedom House
    A non-profit U.S. government funded watchdog organization that publish research and reports on the freedom of the world.
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