Promotion of Academic Staff

The University encourages the professional development of all its employees. This section explains how you can seek promotion if you are a member of academic staff.

Promotion to Senior Lecturer (Lektor) or Professor

If you are a member of permanent academic staff at Dalarna University, you can seek promotion from lecturer (adjunkt) to senior lecturer (lektor) and from senior lecturer to professor through a performance review.

A case for promotion must be submitted by the director of your subject. Grounds for a promotion include both the candidate’s merits and the needs of the University. Currently, external experts (sakkunnig) are used to conduct reviews of performance and qualifications in relation to promotion using the same assessment criteria for the evaluation of research and teaching skills that are used in external recruitment.

For more information about promotion, see Appointment Procedures for Teaching Staff at Dalarna University (pdf)

Docent (Associate Professor)

The Swedish academic title of “docent” requires the demonstration of a higher degree of scholarly competence than that required for a doctorate. The Education and Research Board (Utbildnings- och forskningsnämnden – UFN) at Dalarna University decides whether a member of university teaching staff who holds a doctoral degree can be promoted to docent based on whether or not this would benefit research and teaching at the University.

If you wish to be considered for the position of docent, you must first consult with your Head of School (Prefekt) and the Head of Subject (ämnesföreträdare). Your case will be subject to a peer review within your School and once approved, it will be put forward at the staffing committee meeting (personalberedning).

For more information about becoming a docent, see Rules for the Appointment of Docent (Associate Professor) at Dalarna University (pdf)

Recognition of Teaching Expertise

If you are a member of teaching staff (lecturer, senior lecturer or professor) or if teaching duties form part of your post (as may be the case with, for example, library or IT support staff), then you are eligible to apply to become a Recognised University Teacher (Meriterad lärare) or Distinguished University Teacher (Excellent lärare).

For more information about this process, see Teaching Excellence Framework: Rules for Application (pdf)

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