Your Pension

One benefit of being a Dalarna University employee is that you receive an occupational pension when you retire.

Your occupational pension (tjänstepension) is paid by your employer. It supplements your national retirement pension (allmän pension) and includes both health insurance (sjukförsäkring) and provisions for surviving dependents, also known as survivors’ protection (efterlevandeskydd).

The size of your occupational pension is determined by your salary and age, and the number of years you have worked.

The National Government Employee Pensions Board (Statens pensionsverk)

The National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV) administers the university pension scheme. Contact SPV if you have any questions about your occupational pension.

SPV can, for example:

  • Answer questions about your occupational pension benefits in relation to such matters as occupational pension, part-time retirement (delpension) and survivors' pension.
  • Provide guidance when you are seven months away from turning 65. They can help you with a pension forecast and your employment history, and can provide you with the form that you need to submit to apply for your pension.
  • Review and update employment information relating to your pension if you are a new employee.

For more information, see The National Government Employee Pensions Board webpage.

You are welcome to contact SPV on 020-51 50 40 or via

Your national public pension (allmän pension) is managed by the Swedish Pensions Agency (Pensionsmyndigheten).

If you have questions about your national public pension, contact the Swedish Pensions Agency on 0771-776 776.

Salary Sacrifice Scheme

If you work at least 20 percent and are at least 23 years old, you can set aside some of your monthly salary towards your pension. This is called a salary sacrifice scheme (löneväxling till pension). The minimum amount you can set aside each month is SEK 500. You apply to do this in Primula.

The funds will be placed with the pension provider (försäkringsgivare) you choose for the voluntary part of your occupational pension. If you have not chosen a pension provider, your salary sacrifice amount will be placed in the Kåpan Retirement Pension (Kåpan Valbar) scheme. This does not come with repayment protection (återbetalningsskydd).

Keep in mind that a salary sacrifice scheme might not always be beneficial. Make sure you know what applies in your particular case.

Kåpan Flex

  • From 240101, those born before 1988 receive a new part in the occupational pension, Kåpan Flex. Your employer pays in 0,5 percent of your salary to the new part. You can use Kåpan Flex to, for example, reduce working hours before you retire or withdraw it as part of your total pension. It is up to the employer to approve the leave based on the needs of the business.
  • If you were born before 1966, you still have the option of Part-Time Retirement. If your employer get Part-Time Retirement the payment to Kåpan Flex ceases.
  • If you already have or have had Part-Time Retirement, you will not receive this part.

Partial Pension (delpension)

Who can apply for partial pension?

You can apply for partial pension if you plan to retire at the age of 65.

If you are born before 1966 and work at least 50 percent, you can apply for partial pension from the month you turn 61.

Terms and Conditions

You must have at least 10 years of a collectively agreed pension entitlement (kollektivavtalad pensionsrätt) (state, municipal or private). Partial pension can be granted up to and no later than the month before you turn 65.


The partial pension aims to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills when there is a generation shift. It also allows for the hiring of new employees with skills that are essential for the organisation.


Each application is assessed individually, with particular consideration given to factors such as age, the requested extent of partial pension, and the potential of partial pension to delay the premature end of employment.


You submit your application in Primula and this goes to your immediate manager. The manager provides a written statement, and the matter is then forwarded to a review committee, which makes the decision. This committee meets twice a year. The application deadlines are February 1 and September 1 each year. 


The review committee makes its decision at the earliest three weeks after the final date for application. The committee is formed by representatives from both the employer (i.e., the University) and trade unions.

In your application, you state a start date. This must be at least two months from February 1 or two months from September 1. The reason for this is that SPV (the National Government Employee Pensions Board) requires time to complete the administrative work should your application be approved.

Full-Time Retirement

Before you apply for pension, it can be a good idea to make a financial forecast and to think carefully how you want to take out your occupational pension.

If you are entitled to a defined benefit retirement pension (förmånsbestämd ålderspension), SPV will contact you approximately seven months before you turn 65. You will then be asked whether you intend to retire or whether you intend to continue working and receive information about the occupational pension and what you need to do when it comes time to apply for the various parts.

To withdraw the defined benefit portion, contact SPV, which sends out application documents.

If you do not hear from us, application documents are sent out 7 months before you turn 69.

If you want to retire at another time, contact SPV on 020-51 50 40 or at

Are you planning to retire?

Notify your immediate manager well in advance.

Remember that you need to formally resign from your position.

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