Reimbursement for Medical Expenses

If you have had to pay for medical treatment or medicine, you can often submit a claim for reimbursement.

Appointments with a Doctor or Psychologist

You can claim to receive reimbursement for appointments with a doctor or a psychologist. For you to do this, the clinic must be affiliated with Sweden’s social insurance office, Försäkringskassan.

Reimbursement is up to a maximum of SEK 95 per appointment and is taxable.

Physiotherapy (Sjukgymnast) and Other Healthcare-Related Treatments

Here, reimbursement is up to a maximum of SEK 55 per treatment and is taxable. The clinic in question must follow the national tariff set by the government.


If you are admitted to hospital, you can claim up to a maximum of SEK 70 for each day of hospitalised care.


You can claim to be reimbursed for the cost of purchasing medicines that are covered by high-cost protection (högkostnadsskyddet). The reimbursement is taxable.

Apply for Reimbursement

Submit the original receipt to the Office of Human Resources. If the receipt is small, staple it to a piece of A4 paper so that it does not get lost. The receipt must have been issued within the last two years.

Keep In Mind

  • You are not eligible to claim for reimbursement of expenses for treatment or medicines incurred if you are abroad on holiday and become ill. If you are abroad on a work trip, you can in certain cases receive reimbursement for the expenses you incurred as a result of hospitalisation, dental care and medicines.
  • You cannot receive reimbursement for dental care unless you damaged your teeth as a result of a workplace accident.
  • If you are on unpaid leave, you may be entitled to reimbursement for health and medical expenses. Contact the Office of Human Resources to find out what applies in your particular case.
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Office of Human Resources
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