Are you having personal issues at work?

If you are having personal issues at work or if you know that one of your colleagues is, then you should seek help.

No matter the source of your issues at work, start by talking to your immediate manager. If for any reason this is not possible, there are other things you can do. You can receive help from the following organisations, offices and staff members:

Occupational Health Care 

Currently, the University has a contract for such services with Feelgood.

Through Feelgood, you can meet, for example, a doctor, psychologist, ergonomics expert, physiotherapist and behavioural specialist.

You can book an initial meeting with a psychologist on your own. If you would like to meet with them again, you need to contact your immediate manager. The same procedure applies if you want to visit occupational healthcare services in relation to other matters.

Your immediate manager is responsible for your work environment and can authorise further services from Falck.


  • Beställningssida
  • Phone: 010-810 92
  • The Feelgood app for employees
    For you as an employee, the app is a smooth and easily accessible way into occupational health care where you will find everything you need for contact with Feelgood.

    To get started with the app:
    1. Download the app for free from the App Store or Google play.
    2. To get access to all functions, log in with BankID or an activation code that you received from your manager. Read and agree to the Terms of Use.

Information for Managers

If you have questions or require more information, you are welcome to contact the Office of Human Resources.

Office of Human Resources


Principal Work Environment Representatives

If you have an issue with your working environment, you can contact one of the two members of staff appointed to represent staff interests in relation to the working environment.

Camilla Söderberg
Phone: 023-77 87 67

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