Swedish work environment legislation is built on the fact that the employer is responsible for health and safety at the workplace (the work environment) and needs to cooperate with staff to ensure a healthy and safe workplace. This can mean communicating through work environment representatives.
The basic principle is that no one should be injured or suffer from ill health as a result of the work environment. The legislation also aims to regulate other elements of the work environment that can contribute to employee well-being: for example, interesting work assignments, a sense of community and personal development.
The Role of the Representatives
A work environment representative is somebody who has been appointed to represent colleagues on issues related to the work environment. Representatives are usually appointed by trade unions; however, their job is to represent all colleagues in the workplace regardless of union affiliation. Their role is also to act as a resource for managers.
Work environment representatives hold this role alongside their regular employment.
Contact Information
Principal Work Environment Representatives
Principal Work Environment Representative for:
- Central Administration
- School of Information and Engineering
- School of Health and Welfare
- School of Culture and Society
- School of Language, Literatures and Learning
Work Environment Representatives
School of Information and Engineering
School of Language, Literatures and Learning
School of Culture and Society
School of Health and Welfare
Central Administration
Comments and Ideas Welcome
If you have opinions on your work environment or suggestions for improvements, contact your immediate manager or your work environment representative in the first instance. You can also contact the Office of Human Resources and your trade union.