Construction and Community Planning program

The Construction and Community Planning program (Bygg- och samhällsplanerarprogrammet) spans the entire civil engineering process from the early stages through to the design and construction of buildings and sites.

Program Information and Content

The Bygg- och samhällsplanerarprogrammet (Construction and Community Planning program) has several continuous themes which run through many of the program's courses:

• Architecture and design of the built environment
• Urban planning and sustainable urban development
• Physical Planning
• Comprehensive community planning and analysis
• Construction technology and the construction process’ various stages
• Project and process management
• Digital drawing tools, IT and GIS for visualization and communication

The program leads to a bachelor's degree and thus opens the door to studies at master's and master's level within civil engineering. The program is interdisciplinary and has teachers from several different subjects and institutions.

After graduation, the students find employment at municipalities, planning authorities, planning consultants, and construction and real estate industry companies.

Branch Cooperation

The association ByggDialog Dalarna acts as a link between the program and the industry. Via this collaboration, contact is created between students and companies, municipalities, and authorities. Examples of activities which are organized include lunch seminars, study visits, company-sponsored assignments, and labor market days. The collaboration means that most of the students have a foot in the industry even before they graduate.

Some of the program's courses are also offered as elective courses which currently working professionals can study.

Current Research

What goal conflicts, challenges and opportunities can arise when green industry players establish themselves in places in northern Sweden where people live and work? This is investigated in the project "Goal conflict as an opportunity" where Dalarna University together with Luleå Technical University, Sweco Sweden, Centrum för Näringslivshistoria (the Center for Business History) and others are included as project partners. The project, which will be carried out in 2023, is interdisciplinary and is financed by Vinnova.

Ongoing research also takes place regarding:

  • Planning processes for sustainable neighborhoods (a doctoral project in collaboration with KTH)
  • Sustainable urban and regional development through densification in locations close to stations in the Gothenburg region in collaboration with KTH, Chalmers and the Gothenburg region's municipal association
  • The importance of the built environment for the rehabilitation of stroke patients outside healthcare facilities, in collaboration with Lund University, University of Twente, The Netherlands and The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia.

Teaching staff from the program also participate as teachers and supervisors in the research school Future Proof Cities run by Dalarna University together with Gävle University and Mälardalen University.

Programme website (in Swedish)

A desktop with a map, post-it notes and other documents
Parts of the program teaching are conducted through a project-based approach where the students can, among other things, practice their skills during workshops Gabriella Haglund
Contact personal - program coordinators
Gabriella Haglund
Lecturer Construction Technology
Tony Svensson
Senior Lecturer Construction Technology
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