Teachers Develop Courses Together with Hitachi Energy

Within the cooperation agreement which exists between Hitachi Energy and Dalarna University, a project is now underway to develop courses within our education programs.
Three teachers with a factory environment
Mats Ramkvist, Hitachi Energy

Program manager for the higher education engineering program in sustainable energy systems (Johan Heier) together with course managers for courses in mechanics (Johan Olsson) and thermodynamics (Matias Hautamäki) visited Hitachi Energy in Ludvika to discuss and identify how course content in the programs can be illustrated with industry examples and knowledge.

The visit was arranged by Sofia Reyier Österling, coordinator for the cooperation between Dalarna University and Hitachi Energy.

Sustainable energy systems programme (in Swedish)

Production Technicians programme (in Swedish)

Johan Heier
Lecturer Energy and Environmental Technology
Sofia Reyier Österling
Research and Education Strategist
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