Towards a New Collaboration Arena for Regional Development and Competence Provision

During Autumn 2023, Dalarna Science Park and IUC Dalarna have been investigating the conditions necessary to create an arena for technical expertise and equipment through which regional and national companies can receive research and development support.

The intended arena will promote regional skills development, networking, innovation and entrepreneurship with the long-term goal of making industry and society more sustainable, efficient and future proof.

In connection with the Dalarna Innovation Days and the presentation of the intended arena, Mikael Olsson presented examples of Dalarna university's regional collaboration role.  This is in the form of shorter research and educational commissioned assignments as well as longer-term research projects. The advantages this collaboration provides for companies as well as a university were also presented.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, Dalarna University has provided education, research and collaboration within the engineering field.  Today, there is a great need within the regional business community to continue on this track to meet the increasingly urgent need for competence within the industrial technical field. More than half of the companies in Dalarna today feel that they have significant growth obstacles due to the difficulties to recruit personnel with relevant skills. Collaborating around this challenge is therefore of the utmost importance.

Person som föreläser.
Anders Forsman

There was great interest and approximately 60 people, the majority from regional companies, came to take part in the plans to create an arena for regional development within the engineering field.

Dalarna High Tech Lab Arena (presentation programme and general information)

IUC Dalarna (in Swedish)

Professor Materials Technology
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