Open Access - Publishing Agreements and Funding

Open Access refers to the free availability of research results online. The European Union, the Swedish Government and several key research funding bodies require research results to be published Open Access. Dalarna University recommends that doctoral students and researchers publish Open Access.

What is Open Access?

Open Access refers to the free availability of research results online.

The basic idea is that publicly funded research should be accessible to everyone. In this way, research results can be disseminated to benefit society.

Open Access places certain demands on researchers, universities, and authorities. EU, the Swedish Government, and several key research funders require research results to be published Open Access.

Dalarna University recommends that doctoral students and researchers publish Open Access. 

More information about Open Access in Sweden and the European Union can be found through the National Library.

National Library - Open Access

Publish Open Access

There are three main ways to publish Open Access:

  • Gold Open Access
  • Hybrid Open Access
  • Green Open Access – parallel publishing in DiVA

Gold Open Access

Gold Open Access journals are freely available (no cost) scholarly journals. They are subject to peer review and editorial quality control just as traditional scholarly journals are. However, they are not financed by way of subscription. Some Open Access journals charge authors a publishing fee.

You can find Open Access journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Hybrid Open Access

Some subscription-based journals allow you as the author to make your article freely available through the payment of a fee. Most of the large journal publishers provide this type of service.

Green Open Access – Parallel Publishing in DiVA

Green Open Access, also known as parallel publishing, is when an article that is published in a traditional scholarly journal is also made freely available in an open electronic archive such as DiVA.

Parallel Publishing in DiVA

Dalarna University requires that doctoral students and researchers register and archive their publications in DiVA. The University also recommends that you publish the full text of your work Open Access in DiVA where copyright and the publishing agreement permit this.

Rights of the Author

The rights of the author to make the article available are determined by the agreement with the publisher.

Examples of common terms:

  • Author's or publisher's version may be published Open Access
  • Embargo applies, in other words parallel publishing after a set period, usually 6-12 months
  • Reference and link to the original publication must be provided

Information about policies for academic journals and publishers can be found in the database Open Policy Finder.

If you are unable to find information about the journal there, go to the journal's website and look for information on copyright and other conditions for parallel publishing.

Open Policy Finder - Policies for academic journals and publishers

Publishing a Book Open Access

Open Access publishing has to date mostly been the domain of academic journals. However, Open Access publishing of books is an emerging area. Ubiquity Press in London and Stockholm University Press are two such publishers.

Ubiquity Press

Stockholm University Press

Funders with Open Access Requirements

Results from publicly financed research should be available to everyone. This is a requirement of numerous research financiers in Sweden and throughout Europe.

  • The Knowledge Foundation
  • Swedish Research Council
  • Forte
  • Formas
  • EU Horizon Europe
  • Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
  • Östersjöstiftelsen
  • Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
  • National Institutes of Health NIH

More research funding bodies with Open Access requirements can be found in the database Open Policy Finder.

Open Policy Finder

Choosing a Creative Commons License

When publishing Open Access, a Creative Commons license is often used. It clarifies what others can do with your work without asking your permission.

The licenses build on and complement copyright. They do not affect your moral rights as an author.

The BY element is included in all CC licenses. It means that anyone who uses your work must give you credit. In other words, state that you are the creator of the work.

In academic publishing, the CC BY license is common. It provides the greatest opportunities for reuse. Many research funders require or recommend CC BY.

For more information, see "Creative Commons for researchers" via the National Library.

For a free online course, see "Creative Commons licences in scholarly publishing" via Umeå University Library.

National Library - Creative Commons for researchers

Umeå University Library - Creative Commons licences in scholarly publishing 

Open Access Publishing Agreements

As a doctoral student or researcher at Dalarna University, you are able to publish Open Access free of charge in thousands of journals.

The publishing fee (APC) is covered by the Library.

Dalarna University is part of the agreements that Bibsam at the National Library has signed with publishers. The agreements are deals combining subscription fees and publishing fees.

As author, you retain the copyright of your article via a Creative Commons licence.

The agreements intend to accelerate the transformation of the scholarly publishing systems to Open Access - making research openly available on the Internet.

Which journals are included in the agreements?

In SciFree Journal Search Tool you can search for academic journals where you can publish Open Access free of charge or with a reduced publishing fee.

Which publishers are included in the agreements?

  • BMJ
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Copernicus
  • eLife
  • Elsevier
  • Emerald
  • Frontiers
  • Hindawi (part of Wiley)
  • JMIR Publications
  • MDPI (20% discount)
  • MJS Publishing
  • Oxford University Press
  • PLOS
  • SAGE Publications
  • Springer Nature
  • Taylor & Francis
  • Wiley

Information about the agreements can be found via the National Library.

National Library - Open Access publishing agreements

What do I as corresponding author need to do?

  • The corresponding author must be affiliated with Dalarna University
  • State your affiliation to Dalarna University when submitting your article
  • Use your Dalarna University email adress

Once your article has been accepted for publication, the Library will receive a notice.

The Library verifies that you are affiliated to Dalarna University.

After that, the article is published Open Access.

Parallel Publishing in DiVA

To increase the visibility and dissemination of your article, parallel publish it in DiVA.

The agreements permit immediate publication of the publisher’s version of the article in DiVA.

Funding for Open Access Publishing

If a journal is not covered by the publishing agreements that Dalarna University is part of, as a researcher or doctoral student, you should primarily use external funding for the publication fee. Alternatively, you can apply for the University's internal funding for Open Access publishing. Your application is processed by the Library.

Requirements and Criteria: Application for Funding Open Access Publishing

  • You must be employed at Dalarna University or have been admitted as a doctoral student.
  • You must be the “corresponding author” of the article.
  • Your affiliation to Dalarna University/Högskolan Dalarna must be apparent in the article.
  • When you as researcher apply for external funding from a research funder, the funds for the publication fee should always be included – as long as this cost has been approved by the research funding body.

How do I apply for internal funding for Open Access publishing?

Read the information below and then complete the form entitled Application funding Open Access publishing.

The Library contacts your Deputy Head of School to get your application approved for further processing. The application is then processed by the Library. The Library Director makes the formal decision on the application. The Library will inform you directly of the decision and a copy will be provided to your Deputy Head of School.

  • The maximum amount of funding per article is 30 000 kr.
  • Funding will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis
  • When the article is published, you must register and publish it in DiVA

Application Funding Open Access Publishing

Predatory Journals and Publishers

There are journals and publishers that are not academic or trustworthy.

In return for the publication fee (APC), you are offered rapid publishing in what is claimed to be a peer-reviewed journal.

These predatory journals and publishers abuse the research community for economic gain at the expense of academic quality.

You are welcome to contact the library, and we will review the journal and the publisher.

Check the following before you send an article to a journal you are unfamiliar with:

  • Is the journal indexed in the database Ulrichsweb?
  • Is the journal indexed in the database Web of Science?
  • Is the journal indexed in the database Scopus?
  • Is the journal/publisher classified at level 1 in The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers?
  • For medical journals: Is the journal indexed in the database MEDLINE? Search in NLM Catalog (National Library of Medicine). MEDLINE is the part of PubMed that has quality-controlled journals.
  • For Golden Open Access journals: Is the journal indexed in the database DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)?
  • Think Check Submit is a resource that helps you as a researcher to assess a journal or publisher. Review the journal or publisher based on the checklists available on Think Check Submit.
  • Cabells Predatory Reports lists predatory journals and publishers. Check that the journal is not in Cabells Predatory Reports.

Web of Science - Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 


Norska listan (The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers)

MEDLINE - NLM Catalog (National Library of Medicine)

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Think Check Submit

Cabells Predatory Reports

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