Publish Doctoral and Licentiate Theses

Dalarna University's theses are published in the series Dalarna Doctoral Dissertations and Dalarna Licentiate Theses. Dalarna University's theses must be registered, including full text, in DiVA.

Publish doctoral dissertations and licentiate thesis

Doctoral Dissertations are published in the series Dalarna Doctoral Dissertations.

Licentiate Theses are published in the series Dalarna Licentiate Theses.

The publications are required to have an ISBN, year, and serial number. Contact Richard Borg at the Library to obtain this information. Please provide title and author's name.

Dalarna University’s doctoral dissertations and licentiate theses must be registered, including full text, in DiVA. If copyright or confidentiality issues prevent full text publication, an archive copy (not publicly visible) is still required to be saved in DiVA.

For further information see the doctoral studies in Dalarna University's learning platform.

For important dates see your Time plan for thesis production.

If nothing else is stated “thesis” below refers to doctoral dissertation as well as licentiate thesis.

Printing doctoral dissertation and licentiate thesis

Doctoral dissertation

Your doctoral dissertation is printed through cooperation with Thesis Production at Uppsala University Library.

Licentiate thesis

If you end your doctoral studies with a licentiate thesis it is printed through cooperation with Thesis Production at Uppsala University Library.

If you continue to doctoral degree, your licentiate thesis is printed by Repro at Dalarna University. If that is the case, you should not fill out Uppsala University Library’s form for a time plan.

Printing of articles in thesis

Contact the journals/publishers where your articles are published to get permission to include them in your thesis.

Thesis template

If you are going to print your doctoral dissertation or licentiate thesis at Thesis Production at Uppsala University Library then Uppsala University’s thesis template is to be used.

The thesis template and information regarding how to use it is found via Uppsala University Library.

Uppsala University Library offers a course in using the thesis template for Word including making good images for print. The course is free and available for doctoral students at Dalarna University.

Thesis template, information and course for doctoral students

Time plan for thesis production

At the latest 14 weeks before your public defence request a time plan for the production of your thesis.

You do not have to wait for the decision by the Doctoral Programmes Board/Forskarutbildningsnämnden (FUN) before requesting a time plan.

Request a time plan by filling out Uppsala University Library’s form Time plan for thesis production.

The time plan is calculated on the basis that you deliver your material in the final state to Thesis Production at Uppsala University Library and that you have written and formatted your comprehensive summary or monograph using Uppsala University’s thesis template.

Please send a copy of your time plan to Richard Borg at the Library.

Form - Time plan for thesis production


Bild tidsplan avhandlingsproduktion

Please note, for Dalarna University approximately 3 additional days are added to the above due to delivery time for the printed theses.

Cover and number of copies

You choose cover layout, number of colour pages, number of copies to be printed etc. by filling out an order form and send it to Uppsala University Library.

It is possible to photograph / scan the order form and send it via e-mail.


Postal address:
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek (Carolina Rediviva)
Box 510
SWE-751 20 Uppsala

Form - Cover etc. doctoral thesis
Form - Cover etc. licentiate thesis

Approval of digital print proof

Thesis Production, Uppsala University Library sends a digital print proof of your thesis to your e-mail.

You review the proof. This is to detect any eventual printer’s errors.

You approve the proof by signing a document. You send the approval to Thesis Production, Uppsala University Library via e-mail.


Before your public defence you must make your thesis publically available through a process called posting.

Posting may only take place after a decision has been made by the Doctoral Programmes Board/Forskarutbildningsnämnden (FUN).

Electronic posting is mandatory and must be done at least three weeks before the public defence. 

Traditional posting with hammer and nail is voluntary. Your doctoral programme is responsible for the posting ceremony.

You post your thesis by registering it in Dalarna University’s DiVA. You specify information about the thesis and time and place for the public defence. Please do this at least two working days before your first submission date according to your time plan. If you wish, the Library can register the thesis for you. 

The recommended length of the abstract is 350 words. The maximum number of words is 450. 

A posting page is created based on your registration in DiVA. The Library, Dalarna University, sends the posting page to Thesis Production, Uppsala University Library.

When the final version of your thesis is done, the same version that goes to print, it is to be uploaded to DiVA. This is done by The Library.

The Library at Dalarna University reviews and approves the electronic posting.

No later than the date of posting the monograph/summary together with abstract and information about your public defence will be published in DiVA and on the Dalarna University’s website.


Your thesis is delivered to Dalarna University, The Library in Falun, Att: Richard Borg, Högskolegatan 12, 791 31 Falun. The Library in Falun contacts you when the delivery has arrived.

The Library keeps two copies of your printed thesis. The Library also makes sure that the Archive gets one copy.

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