Dalarna University’s Report Series
These are the main report series that doctoral students and researchers can publish in:
- Kultur, samhälle och lärande, ISSN -
- Contact the Deputy Head of School Tomas Axelson
- Praktiknära forskning med fokus på hälsa och välfärd, ISSN 2004-9226
- Editor: Maria Fjellfeldt
- Working Papers in Transport, Tourism, Information Technology and Microdata Analysis, ISSN 1650-5581
- Editor: Hasan Fleyeh
The Library will assign information to the publications, such as copyright page, ISBN, and serial number.
Template for Research Reports
You should use the University's template for research reports.
- In Microsoft Word, select “New” in the menu to the left.
- Choose “Högskolan Dalarna” to see the templates.
- Select the folder named “Staff” and then “English” to access the research report template in English.
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