Marie Moström Åberg

Personlig presentation av Marie Moström Åberg

Senior Lecturer Work Science
Work Science School of Culture and Society
Work Science School of Culture and Society

I work as a teacher and researcher at Dalarna University. Mainly I work within our HR-program, leadership training in our collaboration with Municipalities in Dalarna within LeDa, and KULA. My research is about learning in working life and leadership development.

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I have worked at Dalarna University since 2004, partly as an employee in the field of pedagogy and since 2012 in Work Science. I have a master's degree from Högskolan Dalarna in Pedagogy with a focus on working life, corresponding to the HR-program. During 2009-2012, and 2019-2021, I was a PhD student at Mälardalen University and in October 2021 I defended my thesis, which has a focus on transformative learning, leadership development and an epistemology of practice.


I teach subjects such as individual and collective learning, leadership, communication, change work, project management, processes, meetings, attractive work, etc. Mainly in the HR-program, but also in KULA courses (Competence Development and Learning in the Working Life). I also work with commissioned training, e.g. leadership training.

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For the moment I am working in a research project together with CeTLeR about the role of education in the hospitality industry. Another ongoing research project is to investigate how municipalities work with leadership development. Previously, I have worked on the following projects: 

- Attractive Work 2006-2008 (EU project)

- Attractive competitiveness 2008-2012 (EU project)

- Directed skills development (Vinova) 2008-2011

- Young people's introduction to working life (AFA insurance) 2012 – 2014
