Farhana Borg

Personlig presentation av Farhana Borg

Associate Professor Educational Work
Educational Work 1 School of Teacher Education
Senior Lecturer Educational Work
Educational Work 1 School of Teacher Education

My work is interdisciplinary and concerns teaching, research and collaboration. I am a certified upper secondary school teacher. At Dalarna University I teacher at basic, advanced, and research levels as well as supervise candidate, master, and doctoral theses.

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Board Member in University Doctoral Programmes Board
Board Member in University Education and Research Board


Council for Sustainable Development


Board Member in Committee for Research Evaluation


In 2017 I defended my doctoral thesis from Umeå University and became an Assistant Professor in Educational Work at Dalarna University. In 2008, I completed my Master of Philosophy in English Linguistics and Master of Education from Dalarna University. I have also had a Master degree in English Literature from National University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. During 1989-2001 I worked in various international organisations with child rights, human rights and integrated education for children with special needs. I have also owrked for UNICEF-Bangladesh with early childhood education and quality education for all.


I teach different courses in teacher education programs, supervise students in the Master program in Educational Work and Global Master Program in Sexual and Reproductive Health as well as doctoral course. I also supervise doctoral students' theses.

Programme Director


I work systematically to strengthen the research fields of teacher education and education for sustainability with a focus on early childhood education. To contribute to improving teaching practices of in-service teachers I have also been actively involved in a couple (pre)school development projects. I am the Principal Investigator of a couple of externally funded projects. Between 2018-2020 I led the Collegium for Preschool Peadagogy at Dalarna University. Since 2021, I coordinate the Research Collegium for the Advancement of Sustainability (RECAST), a forum for researchers and doctoral students from all disciplines.
