Pei Huang

Personlig presentation av Pei Huang

Senior Lecturer Energy Engineering
Energy and Environmental Technology School of Information and Engineering

I'm involved in teaching activities in both bachelor and master programmes of renewable energy and energy efficiency. I lean to multidisciplinary research with a focus on electromobility, peer-to-peer energy sharing, and urban energy systems.


Dr. Pei Huang is a Senior Lecturer in the Energy Technology, Institute of Information and Technology at Dalarna University, Sweden. Dr. Huang got his B.Sc. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2013 and his Ph.D. degree from City University of Hong Kong in 2017. Dr. Huang's current research topics include collaborative energy system controls, urban energy system, electric vehicles, sector coupling, positive energy districts, district heating, building energy efficiency, HVAC system, uncertainty, and machine learning application in energy systems. He is active in research projects at national level (eg Formas, Energy Agency), and international level (eg, EU Horizontal 2020, Nordic Energy Research). He also actively participates in IEA tasks. He is the guest editor of the Buildings Special Issue 'Data Analytics for Large-Scale Building Energy Modeling and Optimization'. He has published 43 journal papers, 5 book chapters and 19 conference papers. 

