Tony Bohman

Personlig presentation av Tony Bohman

Senior Lecturer Medical Sciences
Department of Medical Sciences School of Health and Welfare

I am program director at the Master program in physiotherapy. I also teach and supervise master degree theses in the program. My research is mainly realted to musculoskeletal health, with a focus towards chronic pain.

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I gained my degree in physiotherapy from Karolinska Institutet in 1987 and have until 2008 worked as a clinician focused on orthopedic manual therapy and sports medicine. In 2008 I started my doctoral studies at Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska InstitutetI, and defended my thesis titled “Back and neck pain. Factors of importance for the prognosis” in 2013. Between 2011 and 2023, I had a position as an assistant lecturer at the Department of Physiotherapy, KI, which I combined with my current position at Dalarna University since 2019.


I am teaching in musculoskeletal health, physical activity/exercise, sports medicine, scientific method (epidemiology/biostatistics) and thesis supervision.

Programme Director


My research has so far been focused on epidemiological methods to study the effect of physical activity and other lifestyle factors on risk and prognosis in relation to pain and dysfunction in the back and neck, both in a public health perspective and in a clinical perspective. I also have a specific interest in sports and sports medicine, for example reliability and validity of strength tests. I am a member of two researchgroups; "DU/Pain" at the Research Centre for Public Health and Sports (RePS), DU, and "Musculoskeletal disorders from a biopsychosocial perspective" at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, KI. 
