Ann Rudman

Personlig presentation av Ann Rudman

Senior Lecturer Nursing
Department of Nursing 2 School of Health and Welfare

I am an associate professor in healthcare science and work as a teacher and researcher on topics related to healthcare quality, work environment, work engagement, evidence-based practice, and the health of nurses.


I am a licensed nurse and obtained my doctoral degree in medical science from the Karolinska Institute in 2007. I was appointed as an associate professor in health care science at the Karolinska Institute in 2019. Over the past 15 years, my research has focused on higher education and healthcare organizations, exploring what promotes and hinders professional learning and engagement among the organization's staff. I am affiliated with the Department of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS), Karolinska Institute


My teaching assignments include lectures on theories of stress and motivation, occupational health, healthcare evaluations, nursing, evidence-based practice, and research methodology. I have been involved in doctoral-level courses that cover methods related to systematic literature reviews, research implementation, and scientific methods (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, interventions). I have served as an examiner in courses at the first-cycle education (Bachelor's), second-cycle education (Master's), and third-cycle education (PhD level). Thus, my teaching experience encompasses undergraduate and postgraduate courses for nursing, psychology, and doctoral students. I have also been actively involved in doctoral education as a course coordinator and examiner for doctoral courses.


The goal of my research has been to improve the health and maintain the competence of nursing students and nurses. More specifically, the research focuses on how to monitor, develop, and ensure a sustainable working environment during education, in the early stages of one's career, and in the long term for registered nurses. Therefore, one of the aims is to gain an understanding of what either facilitates or impedes the motivation and success of new professionals as they navigate the transition into their professional careers. Recently, we have also been exploring the situation for healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. This research has been conducted in collaborating with various researchers both nationally and internationally. I am an affiliated member of the interdisciplinary research group "Motivation, Competence, and Health (MCH)" at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Psychology, Karolinska Institutet."
