Jana Brehmer

Personlig presentation av Jana Brehmer

Doctoral Student Tourism Studies
Tourism Studies School of Culture and Society

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I am a doctoral student in tourism studies at the Centre for Tourism and Leisure Research at Dalarna University in Borlänge in collaboration with MidSweden University in Östersund.

My bachelor’s degree was retrieved from the Westcoast University of Applied Science in the North of Germany in International Tourism Management. I completed my master studies in the year 2018 in Tourism Destination Development at Dalarna University.

I am especially interested in researching about the touristic development and touristic branding of destinations as well as the context of authenticity within tourism and possible contradictions that come with it. 

My current research within CeTLer at Dalarna University focus on possible funding systems of touristic trails considering consumers’ behaviour. The project is a collaboration between different stakeholders in Dalarna who provide cross country and mountain bike trails. You can read more about the project here.

