Anette Bagger

Personlig presentation av Anette Bagger

Professor Educational Work
Educational Work 1 School of Teacher Education


I have a background as a primary school teacher in mathematics, special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) and as a vision advisor at the National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools (SPSM). I have worked in teacher education, mainly with elements related to assessment, special education and mathematics education, and I also lecture on these areas.

I received my PhD from Umeå University in Educational Work with a specialisation in mathematics. The thesis focused the implementation of national assessment in mathematics for third-graders (age nine) and students in need of support for their learning: Is school for everyone? : the national test in mathematics at Grade three in Sweden. At Örebro University, I have been an assistant professor for five years. I then have established and led a special education research environment and was appointed Excellent Teacher and Associate Professor. 


I conduct my research in special needs primary school and primary school in the early school years and in the fields of special education, mathematics education, assessment and combinations of these.

The planning, implementation and consequences of national and compulsory assessment is one of my most prominent research areas, and then out from on socio-political, ethical, relational and social aspects. Aspects of multilingualism and linguistics in assessment practices is an area of interest, as well as accessibility to and inclusion in mathematics and teaching materials.

International projects and research groups

Digital Living Learning Materials (DigiLLM). Erasmus project based at Bielefeld University and with Professor Michaela Vogt as project leader. Project site

Access Maths in STEM (AMiS). Erasmus project based at Trinity College Dublin with Assistant Professor Aibhin Bray as project manager. Project site

New Assessment Frontiers Project (NAFP). An international group of scholars engaged in critical and socio-political assessment research. 

Swedish representative in the scientific comittee in the Nordic Research network on Special needs education in Mathematics (NORSMA). 

National project

Mathematics, Inclusion and Equity. The Mathematics is MInE project

