Eriksson Anna-Karin

Personlig presentation av Eriksson Anna-Karin

Senior Lecturer Political Science
Political Science School of Culture and Society

I research and teach international relations, especially the politics that surrounds the so-called "comfort women" system under the Empire of Japan 1932-45. I previously worked in the public sector in Japan and take a keen interest in teaching.



I was previously employed as Senior Lecturer at University West, University of Gothenburg, Umeå university and Linnaeus University.

In 2022, I defended my PhD Thesis Global history or inter|nationalist discourse!? Unsettling the 'comfort women' issue at Linnaeus University.

My Master and Bachelor-level studies were in politics, Japanese and Mandarin at Lund University in Sweden. I have done exchange studies in both Japan and China and have lived in Northeast Asia (Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Seoul and Gifu) for nearly ten years.

My research investigates politics through silence, emptiness, absence, historical memory and historical justice.

Japans tröstekvinnor (Historiskan 1/2023 - popular science in Swedish)

Antifeministiska bakslag i tröstekvinne-kontroversen (UR Samtiden, 20 min lecture - popular science in Swedish)


I have taught about 5000 hours of higher education at different levels, at six different universities in Sweden.

This semester I teach:

International relations: An introduction and European Union: Institutions and Politics (in English) and Internationella relationer, Politiska system i jämförande perspektiv, Politik i Sverige och EU, Samhällsvetenskapliga metoder I och II, Examensarbete för högskoleexamen and Examensarbete för kandidatexamen i statsvetenskap (in Swedish).