Research projects

PED-Swedish participation in IEA EBC Annex 83 Positive Energy Districts (PED)

Positive energy districts (PED) are important components for achieving the climate goals and provide a holistic perspective on a district's energy supply and demand which the citizens’ possibility to live a sustainable life in the district is central.


The availability of sustainable solutions for heating and cooling is one of the keys to achieving PED. This application aims to secure Swedish participation in IEA EBC Annex 83 on PED. Through the participation, RISE and Dalarna University will ensure knowledge transfer between Swedish PED initiatives and the IEA's international work on PED and contribute to making Swedish heating solutions visible in the international arena in order to contribute to increased exports.


Selected publications

Project overview
Project Leader
Project period
2021-02-23 — 2024-12-31
Project status