Research Project: Energy Intelligent Europe Projekt COMBISOL

Project leader
Chris Bales
Project Members
Frank Fiedler
Project Period
Project Status
Combisol is a project within Intelligent Energy Europe and focusses on solar combisystems. The consortium consists of 8 organisations from five countires: Sweden, Denmark, verige, Germany, Austria and France (coordinator). Högskolan Dalarna (SERC) is the only participant from Sweden. The aims of the project are: promotion of ”best practice” for solar combisystems for new and existing houses; promotion of standardised system solutions; development of methods for calculation of energy savings; and training of installars. SERC will work mostly with methods for calculating primary energy savings, field measurements and development of training materials. SERC will also focus mainly of systems with solar and biomass. SERC will collaborate closely with the Swedish Solar Energy Society.
solvärme, kombisystem, solar heating, solar combisystems
Research Profile
Energy and Built Environments
Energy Technology
EU - Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE)
Högskolan Dalarna