Research Project: Automated Monitoring Of Vegetation Along Railways

Project leader
Mark Dougherty
Roger G Nyberg
Project Members
Siril Yella
Project Period
Project Status
Current day maintenance activities aimed at dealing with vegetation on and alongside railway tracks are carried out manually. Typically a human inspector responsible for maintenance walks along the railway tracks and gives out judgment concerning the vegetation. Such judgments are largely based on visual examination. This is slow and expensive and maintaining an even quality standard is difficult. It also requires skilled and trained staff.
- Instead of manually inspecting vegetation, it is possible to envisage an automatic inspection system.
The R&D project is a collaborative activity between Banverket and Dalarna University with the support of industrial partners. The aim of this project is to develop algorithms and a foundation to enable a later development of an automatic inspection system capable of (fully or partially) replaces manual inspections.
järnväg vegetation beslut underhåll artificiell intelligens machine vision , railway vegetation decision maintenance artificial intelligence machine vision remote sensing
Research Profile
Complex Systems - Microdata Analysis
Computer Engineering
Information Systems
Microdata Analysis
Scandinavian Track Group AB (STG)