Research Project: Ageing, Quality of Life and Creativity through Narrative

Project leader
Nuria Casado Gual, Department of English and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts University of Lleida
Fidel Molina Luque, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work University of Lleida, Spain
Project Members
Billy Gray
Carmen Zamorano Llena
Eva Barallat Gimeno, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work University of Lleida
Emma Domínguez Rué, Faculty of Arts University of Lleida, Spain
Dolors Mayoral Arqué, Department of Geography and Sociology University of Lleida, Spain
Maricel Oró Piqueras, Factuly of Arts University of Lleida, Spain
Paquita Sanvicén Torné, Department of Geography and Sociology University of Lleida, Spain
José Alberto Yuni, National University of Catamarca, Argentina
Project Period
Project Status
Literary gerontologists such as Cohen-Shalev and Wyatt Brown have proved that the
continuation of creative activity into old age goes hand in hand with maintaining and even
improving the individual’s quality of life. In the case of artists and writers, Cohen-Shalev and Wyatt-Brown argue that creativity contributes to challenging limiting stereotypes that relate old age with the loss of intellectual capacities. This project implies the study of late style and the analysis of the writing career of male and female authors from national (Spanish) and international backgrounds. The incorporation of national (Spanish) writers into our literary corpus of study aims to create connections between the previous project - focused on women writers from English speaking countries- and our more immediate cultural and social contexts. With the same objective of applying our research to our own social
background, the results obtained from this project will be disseminated not only at an
academic level, but also within other contexts in which older citizens become the main
agents. The broadening of our objectives implies interdisciplinary and coordinated work
among philologists, sociologists, social psychologists and health specialists. The main
objective of the project is to analyze the impact of creative activity in late life through the production and/or reception of literary narratives or narratives of life; and to recognize the ways in which creativity contributes to improving the quality of life of senior citizens, be they authors with a long creative trajectory or senior citizens who can either be readers of fictional narratives with ageing and old age as main topic, or who create their own biographical or fictional narratives. In this respect, the concept of “narrative” is understood in a broad sense, since it also refers to biographical narratives which may present different degrees of fictionalization.
Late style, quality of life, narratives, active ageing, creativity, biography, literature, Late style, quality of life, narratives, active ageing, creativity, biography, literature
Research Profile
Intercultural Studies
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness