Research Project: The regional implementation of a fossil-free transport system: challenges for socio-economic efficiency

Project leader
Lena Nerhagen
Project Members
Daniel Brandt
Johanna Jussila Hammes, Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI)
Project Period
Project Status
The government system in Sweden is decentralized; over the past 20 years, the regional level has got increasing responsibility for implementing environmental and growth policies. In recent years the Government, through the Energy Agency, has increased financing and support for the work with energy- and climate policies at a regional level. Parallel with this, demands for socio-economic analysis have increased. In a country like Sweden with major geographical differences this means that measures to achieve set environmental targets should differ between different parts of the country. The aim of this project is to investigate what the increasing regionalization means for the ability to implement efficient policy. We focus on the ongoing work to achieve a fossil free transport sector since there is a conflict between accessibility and climate measures here, that varies between different parts of the country.
Multi-level governance, flernivåstyrning, samhällsekonomisk effektivitet
Research Profile
Complex Systems - Microdata Analysis
Human Geography