Research Project: Byhotell – a model for cooperative place-based entrepreneurship

Project leader
Jonathan M Yachin
Project Members
Project Period
Project Status
The Byhotell is a prospective business model for the organisation of small-scale enterprises in
cooperative structures to develop a more sustainable rural tourism industry. Coompanion Dalarna (a
non-profit business advisory organisation) has an ongoing pilot project (2021-2022) that helps
entrepreneurs in five villages to form local Byhotells. This proposed research project aims to evaluate
the Byhotell model as a means for entrepreneurs to act on opportunities, overcome challenges, and
adapt to changes in circumstances. The research will focus on the critical stages of formation, launch
and first two years of the Byhotell ventures. It will be guided by the question'How can the cooperative
structure improve the conditions for rural tourism entrepreneurship?’.
Research Profile
Tourism Studies
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