Research Project: Teaching and assessment in physical education teacher education in Norway

Project leader
Gunn Nyberg
Project Members
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In physical education teacher education, the various examination forms are designed by the teacher educators at the universities. The students' knowledge/competence is assessed through, among other things, written exams, written assignments, oral exams, practical exams, submitted films, blogs, etc. Regardless of the form of the exam, the aim is for the students to be able to demonstrate their subject knowledge and didactic knowledge. When teacher educators design exams, it will always be on the basis of an assumption that the teaching is carried out in such a way that the students develop the skills they are expected to show in the exam. A question that arises is whether exams are designed in such a way that the students have the opportunity to demonstrate the competence that the teaching has offered? The question can also be asked the other way around; Does the teaching offer the students to develop the skills required to pass the exam? The overall purpose of this study is to examine the knowledge content of the education, which competence the students are expected to develop in the teaching, as well as which competence the students are expected to demonstrate in/on the exams. The purpose will also be to investigate whether the exams require the knowledge offered in the teaching, or in other words; whether the exams are designed in such a way that the students have the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge that the teaching has emphasized that they should learn.
PETE, subject knowledge, examination
Research Profile
Educational Work
University in Agder