Here is research conducted within the School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
Research Groups
Literatures in Society
The research focuses on the analysis of the interrelationship between literature and societal challenges which often occur in cross-cultural interaction. The group encompasses research in literatures produced in ten different languages.
More information about Literatures in Society
Forum for Linguistics
This research group is a meeting-point for Dalarna University’s researchers, teachers and doctoral students with an interest in linguistic research with different theoretical and methodological traditions.
More information about Forum for Linguistics
Diversity in educational contexts
See the Swedish webpage Mångfald i utbildningssammanhang
Language learning and teaching
See the Swedish webpage Kollegial mötesplats för Språkdidaktik
Dalarna University Applied Linguistics (DUAL) seminar series
DUAL is a seminar series for those interested in Applied Linguistics. Experts in different areas of the field are invited to present their research. We target prominent researchers from different parts of the world to present on current topics.
Dalarna University Applied Linguistics (DUAL) seminar series