Follow up for international students who study online

This is a great chance for you who study online to meet a study and career counsellor and an admissions officer. You can ask any kind of questions related to your studies at Dalarna University.

Date: , kl 15:30 - 16:30
Location: Digital only
Locale: Zoom

Our goal is to provide an easy opportunity for you who study online to get answers to any questions you might have related to your ongoing studies and meet a people from our administrative staff.

The event is for all international students who study on-line, not only students beginning their studies this semester.

We would like you to sign up for the event, since we will be getting back to you with an individual time slot. 

If you would like to take part, please e-mail us at no later than March 28th. Please name your e-mail “Follow-up for international students who study on-line”.

We look forward to seeing you online!


For more information, contact
Camilla Hahne
Study and Career Counsellor
Applications and Admissions Coordinator
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